All source code available on github from collections import deque class BFS: def __init__(self, node,edges, source): self.node = node self.edges = edges self.source = source self.color=['W' for i in range(0,node)] # W for White self.graph =color=[[False for i in range(0,node)] for j in range(0,node)] self.queue = deque() self.parent =[-1 for u in range(0,node)] # Start BFS algorithm self.construct_graph() self.bfs_traversal() def construct_graph(self): for u,v in self.edges: self.graph[u][v], self.graph[v][u] = True, True def bfs_traversal(self): self.queue.append(self.source) self.color[self.source] = 'B' # B for Black while len(self.queue): u = self.queue.popleft() for v in range(0,self.node): if self.graph[u][v] == True and self.color[v]=='W': self.color[v]='B' self.queue.append(v) self.parent[v]=u def print_shortest_path(self, destination): if destination==self.source: print destination, elif self.parent[destination] == -1: print "No Path" else: self.print_shortest_path(self.parent[destination]) print "-> ",destination, node = 8 # 8 nodes from 0 to 7 edges =[(0,1),(0,3),(1,2),(1,5),(2,7),(3,4),(3,6),(4,5),(5,7)] # bi-directional edge source = 0 # set fist node (0) as source bfs = BFS(node,edges,source) bfs.print_shortest_path(5) # shortest path from 0 to 5 print bfs.print_shortest_path(7) # shortest path from 0 to 7
0 -> 1 -> 5 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 7
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